Taking Care of Myself

A lot has changed for me, over the past few years. Six years ago, I bought my first house. Four years ago, I got married. Two and a half years ago, I had my first baby. Now, almost one year ago, I had my second baby. I had no idea what "real stress" felt like. Before all of this, I thought stress was forgetting to pay the cable bill or making sure I took the dogs for a walk at least once a day. Wow. I had no idea. It's very challenging to come to work and put all the worries of life aside and focus on helping others. Some days are just AWESOME! I like to refer to those days as me being 'so dead on' with my treatments. I'm focused, I feel energized, like I could work on ten people without a break! (But seriously, I don't ever recommend that, no matter how great you feel.) My flow is good, my timing is spot on and the music is inspiring. Other days, I can't stop thinking about the bills I need to pay and how on earth I'm going to finish the laundry. So, what I've been trying to do is sit. Just sit, for a few minutes, before my first client arrives, and breathe....maybe stretch a little...and be thankful for all of the people I'm going to see that day. It's harder than it sounds. A massage therapist takes care of others but can easily forget to take care of themselves. I haven't had a massage in over three months and before that, almost a year. It's amazing how one hour of someone else's touch can rejuvenate and erase so much stress. Make the time is what I need to repeat to myself.  I need to be in good shape to take care of my new family. I'm working on it!

        Breathe and Relax Today



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