To all the 'preggos'

So, long story short, I didn't think I ever wanted to have kids. Then, I got married and after a year, and having the realization that I was about to turn 30 years old, I changed my mind. Working, while pregnant, is intense. I had heard the complaints, from pregnant women before, but always thought, 'yea okay, how uncomfortable can it be?'. I would advise everyone to not ask that question of any pregnant woman. Imagine this: Your organs are literally pushed up and over, out of the way for that baby. You probably will wake up every night, cause you feel like you need to pee, but you can't. It's just intense pressure. Heart burn so bad that you are forced to sleep sitting up, in a recliner. Even a five pound baby, sitting on a pubic bone, is enough torture, let along a ten pound baby. ( which is what my first child was close to!!)
Even though I have had prenatal massage training and have given dozens of prenatal massages, I really began to appreciate how massage can help a mom-to-be. It truly is fascinating now to talk to mothers of all varieties and watch them go through the different stages. One week pain is in the ribs, while the next week it's all about the hips.
Typically, prenatal massage is done with the side lying position. I used to think that giving treatments, this way, wasn't as effective as laying face down but it is still very effective. Just simple, gentle strokes, along the entire spine and compression of the hips and gluts is amazing! It may very well be the only time this woman has complete silence and comfort in the next few days, weeks or months. Yes, massage will help reduce swelling, ease lower back and rib tension and hopefully aide in an easier birth. Bigger picture is it's mom getting to take care of herself. I don't know about you, but my husband could never massage my lower back and hips for longer than 10 minutes without his thumbs hurting. Sigh...So, to have a professional take the time to properly position you and work on you for 30-60 minutes straight is nothing short of euphoria! Therapist even have pillow systems allowing some pregnant women to lay face down without strain or pressure on the pelvis. We've come a long way and I hope pregnant woman of ALL sizes ( even the ones that are 9 months and look like they've just had a big lunch ) can experience prenatal massage. You won't regret it!

Some Benefits:
First Trimester
• Relieve headaches
• Help alleviate morning sickness
• Reduce fatigue
Second Trimester
• Alleviate backaches
• Relieve leg cramps
Third Trimester
• Reduce swelling/edema
• Relieve pain from varicosities
• Enhance sleep
• Prepare pelvic muscles for birth



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